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Port details
gcc12 GNU Compiler Collection 12
12.3.0 lang on this many watch lists=3 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 12.3.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2022-05-06 18:12:06
Last Update: 2024-05-13 21:19:50
Commit Hash: f040d25
People watching this port, also watch:: samba416, smartmontools, tmux, python311
License: GPLv3 GPLv3RLE
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc12, g++12, and gfortran12, respectively. Gerald Pfeifer <>
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (44 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc12-12.3.0/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc12-12.3.0/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc12-12.3.0/GPLv3
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc12-12.3.0/GPLv3RLE
  6. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-c++12
  7. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-g++12
  8. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gcc12
  9. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gcc-12.3.0
  10. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gcc-ar12
  11. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gcc-nm12
  12. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gcc-ranlib12
  13. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.0-gfortran12
  14. bin/c++12
  15. bin/cpp12
  16. bin/g++12
  17. bin/gcc12
  18. bin/gcc-ar12
  19. bin/gcc-nm12
  20. bin/gcc-ranlib12
  21. bin/gcov12
  22. bin/gcov-dump12
  23. bin/gcov-tool12
  24. bin/gfortran12
  25. bin/lto-dump12
  26. include/gcc12/ISO_Fortran_binding.h
  27. share/man/man1/cpp12.1.gz
  28. share/man/man1/g++12.1.gz
  29. share/man/man1/gcc12.1.gz
  30. share/man/man1/gcov12.1.gz
  31. share/man/man1/gcov-dump12.1.gz
  32. share/man/man1/gcov-tool12.1.gz
  33. share/man/man1/gfortran12.1.gz
  34. share/man/man1/lto-dump12.1.gz
  35. share/gcc-12.3.0/python/libstdcxx/
  36. share/gcc-12.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  37. share/gcc-12.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  38. share/gcc-12.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  39. @postexec if type ccache-update-links >/dev/null 2>&1; then ccache-update-links -v; fi
  40. @postunexec if type ccache-update-links >/dev/null 2>&1; then ccache-update-links -v; fi
  41. @comment Insert PLIST.lib here
  42. @owner
  43. @group
  44. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • gcc12>0:lang/gcc12
  • gcc12-devel
Conflicts Matches:
There are no Conflicts Matches for this port. This is usually an error.
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc12/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install lang/gcc12
  • pkg install gcc12
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: gcc12
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64le riscv64
TIMESTAMP = 1699355292 SHA256 (gcc-12.3.0.tar.xz) = 949a5d4f99e786421a93b532b22ffab5578de7321369975b91aec97adfda8c3b SIZE (gcc-12.3.0.tar.xz) = 85491976

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. as : devel/binutils
  2. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  3. makeinfo : print/texinfo
  4. as : devel/binutils
  5. perl5>=5.36<5.37 : lang/perl5.36
Runtime dependencies:
  1. as : devel/binutils
  2. indexinfo : print/indexinfo
Library dependencies:
  1. : math/gmp
  2. : math/mpfr
  3. : math/mpc
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/R-cran-zip
  2. astro/R-cran-maptools
  3. astro/nightfall
  4. audio/openspc
  5. benchmarks/himenobench
  6. benchmarks/hpl
  7. benchmarks/polygraph
Expand this list (446 items / 439 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. benchmarks/tinymembench
  3. biology/R-cran-Biobase
  4. biology/R-cran-BiocGenerics
  5. biology/molden
  6. biology/plink
  7. biology/psi88
  8. biology/seqan3
  9. cad/alliance
  10. cad/calculix-ccx
  11. cad/feappv
  12. cad/freehdl
  13. cad/graywolf
  14. cad/pdnmesh
  15. cad/tochnog
  16. comms/ems-flasher
  17. comms/wsjtx
  18. converters/R-cran-RJSONIO
  19. converters/R-cran-base64enc
  20. converters/R-cran-jsonlite
  21. converters/R-cran-rjson
  22. databases/R-cran-RMySQL
  23. databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL
  24. databases/dbixx
  25. databases/fastdb
  26. databases/gigabase
  27. deskutils/sliderule
  28. devel/R-cran-Hmisc
  29. devel/R-cran-ModelMetrics
  30. devel/R-cran-Rcpp
  31. devel/R-cran-bindr
  32. devel/R-cran-bindrcpp
  33. devel/R-cran-bit
  34. devel/R-cran-bit64
  35. devel/R-cran-bitops
  36. devel/R-cran-brio
  37. devel/R-cran-caTools
  38. devel/R-cran-caret
  39. devel/R-cran-checkmate
  40. devel/R-cran-chk
  41. devel/R-cran-chron
  42. devel/R-cran-classInt
  43. devel/R-cran-cli
  44. devel/R-cran-clock
  45. devel/R-cran-covr
  46. devel/R-cran-decor
  47. devel/R-cran-diffobj
  48. devel/R-cran-ellipsis
  49. devel/R-cran-fansi
  50. devel/R-cran-filelock
  51. devel/R-cran-gbm
  52. devel/R-cran-git2r
  53. devel/R-cran-glmnet
  54. devel/R-cran-glue
  55. devel/R-cran-gtools
  56. devel/R-cran-later
  57. devel/R-cran-lubridate
  58. devel/R-cran-magrittr
  59. devel/R-cran-microbenchmark
  60. devel/R-cran-msm
  61. devel/R-cran-multicool
  62. devel/R-cran-parsedate
  63. devel/R-cran-pkgcache
  64. devel/R-cran-plogr
  65. devel/R-cran-plyr
  66. devel/R-cran-prettyunits
  67. devel/R-cran-progress
  68. devel/R-cran-purrr
  69. devel/R-cran-rJava
  70. devel/R-cran-randomForest
  71. devel/R-cran-rappdirs
  72. devel/R-cran-reshape
  73. devel/R-cran-reshape2
  74. devel/R-cran-rlang
  75. devel/R-cran-roxygen2
  76. devel/R-cran-sourcetools
  77. devel/R-cran-sys
  78. devel/R-cran-testthat
  79. devel/R-cran-tibble
  80. devel/R-cran-tidyr
  81. devel/R-cran-timechange
  82. devel/R-cran-tzdb
  83. devel/R-cran-uuid
  84. devel/R-cran-vctrs
  85. devel/RStudio
  86. devel/api-sanity-autotest
  87. devel/covtool
  88. devel/efivar
  89. devel/gcc-arm-embedded
  90. devel/gcc-msp430-ti-toolchain
  91. devel/kBuild
  92. devel/libcwd
  93. devel/lockfree-malloc
  94. devel/matreshka
  95. devel/py-lxml
  96. devel/rhtvision
  97. devel/smv
  98. devel/test-drive
  99. editors/openoffice-4
  100. editors/openoffice-devel
  101. emulators/emulationstation
  102. emulators/libretro-reicast
  103. emulators/openmsx
  104. emulators/reicast
  105. emulators/x49gp
  106. finance/R-cran-PerformanceAnalytics
  107. finance/R-cran-TTR
  108. finance/R-cran-fBasics
  109. finance/R-cran-fGarch
  110. finance/R-cran-gmm
  111. finance/R-cran-lmtest
  112. finance/R-cran-strucchange
  113. finance/R-cran-tseries
  114. french/med
  115. ftp/R-cran-RCurl
  116. games/gemrb
  117. games/shaaft
  118. games/xbat
  119. graphics/R-cran-GDD
  120. graphics/R-cran-colorspace
  121. graphics/R-cran-ggrepel
  122. graphics/R-cran-jpeg
  123. graphics/R-cran-pROC
  124. graphics/R-cran-png
  125. graphics/R-cran-s2
  126. graphics/R-cran-scales
  127. graphics/darktable
  128. graphics/dataplot
  129. graphics/dcp2icc
  130. graphics/gimp-beautify-plugin
  131. graphics/pgplot
  132. graphics/rawtherapee
  133. graphics/sam2p
  134. graphics/xd3d
  135. irc/undernet-ircu
  136. japanese/skkinput3
  137. java/openjdk18
  138. java/openjdk19
  139. java/openjdk20
  140. lang/clisp
  141. lang/emilua
  142. lang/gambit-c
  143. lang/gforth
  144. lang/gnat12
  145. lang/micropython
  146. lang/mlkit
  147. lang/opencoarrays
  148. lang/p5-ExtUtils-F77
  149. lang/quilc
  150. lang/ratfor
  151. mail/milter-callback
  152. math/R-cran-BsMD
  153. math/R-cran-FNN
  154. math/R-cran-KFAS
  155. math/R-cran-MCMCpack
  156. math/R-cran-MatchIt
  157. math/R-cran-Matching
  158. math/R-cran-NMF
  159. math/R-cran-RSvgDevice
  160. math/R-cran-RcppRoll
  161. math/R-cran-Rmpfr
  162. math/R-cran-acepack
  163. math/R-cran-ash
  164. math/R-cran-conquer
  165. math/R-cran-date
  166. math/R-cran-ddalpha
  167. math/R-cran-dimRed
  168. math/R-cran-dplyr
  169. math/R-cran-energy
  170. math/R-cran-exactRankTests
  171. math/R-cran-expm
  172. math/R-cran-fracdiff
  173. math/R-cran-geepack
  174. math/R-cran-geometry
  175. math/R-cran-gmp
  176. math/R-cran-gower
  177. math/R-cran-gpclib
  178. math/R-cran-gsl
  179. math/R-cran-gss
  180. math/R-cran-haven
  181. math/R-cran-hdrcde
  182. math/R-cran-hexbin
  183. math/R-cran-influenceR
  184. math/R-cran-intervals
  185. math/R-cran-ipred
  186. math/R-cran-irlba
  187. math/R-cran-isoband
  188. math/R-cran-lazyeval
  189. math/R-cran-lpSolve
  190. math/R-cran-maps
  191. math/R-cran-mathjaxr
  192. math/R-cran-mcmc
  193. math/R-cran-memisc
  194. math/R-cran-ncdf4
  195. math/R-cran-nloptr
  196. math/R-cran-nnls
  197. math/R-cran-partitions
  198. math/R-cran-prodlim
  199. math/R-cran-proxy
  200. math/R-cran-quadprog
  201. math/R-cran-raster
  202. math/R-cran-rgenoud
  203. math/R-cran-robustbase
  204. math/R-cran-sets
  205. math/R-cran-sm
  206. math/R-cran-statmod
  207. math/R-cran-truncnorm
  208. math/R-cran-units
  209. math/R-cran-wk
  210. math/R-cran-zoo
  211. math/adept
  212. math/arpack-ng
  213. math/atlas
  214. math/blacs
  215. math/blas
  216. math/blaspp
  217. math/blaze
  218. math/blazeiterative
  219. math/blis
  220. math/cbc
  221. math/cblas
  222. math/clblast
  223. math/clp
  224. math/cmlib
  225. math/coin-or-metis
  226. math/coin-or-mumps
  227. math/couenne
  228. math/dbcsr
  229. math/ddfun
  230. math/dqfun
  231. math/dsdp
  232. math/dune-curvedgeometry
  233. math/dune-foamgrid
  234. math/dune-functions
  235. math/dune-localfunctions
  236. math/dune-metagrid
  237. math/dune-multidomaingrid
  238. math/dune-spgrid
  239. math/dune-typetree
  240. math/eispack
  241. math/fftw
  242. math/fftw-float
  243. math/fftw3-quad
  244. math/ggobi
  245. math/hptt
  246. math/kktdirect
  247. math/lapack
  248. math/lapack++
  249. math/lapack95
  250. math/lapacke
  251. math/lapackpp
  252. math/levmar
  253. math/libRmath
  254. math/librsb
  255. math/libxsmm
  256. math/lidia
  257. math/math77
  258. math/miracl
  259. math/mumps
  260. math/mumps4
  261. math/ntpoly
  262. math/openblas
  263. math/optpp
  264. math/petiga
  265. math/py-pynleq2
  266. math/py-scs
  267. math/qd
  268. math/qposases
  269. math/qrupdate
  270. math/qxfun
  271. math/rkward
  272. math/scalapack
  273. math/scalapackfx
  274. math/scorec-core
  275. math/scs
  276. math/sdpa
  277. math/sfft
  278. math/slatec
  279. math/spblas
  280. math/spla
  281. math/superlu
  282. math/superlu-dist
  283. math/taucs
  284. math/trlan
  285. math/xlapack
  286. math/xlife++
  287. misc/R-cran-mime
  288. misc/libemos
  289. misc/py-QSpectrumAnalyzer
  290. misc/seabios
  291. misc/thrill
  292. misc/veles
  293. multimedia/avidemux
  294. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  295. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  296. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  297. multimedia/xanim
  298. net/R-cran-pingr
  299. net/charm
  300. net/libtnl
  301. net/openmpi4
  302. net-mgmt/aircrack-ng
  303. science/R-cran-DCluster
  304. science/R-cran-bayesm
  305. science/R-cran-e1071
  306. science/R-cran-eco
  307. science/R-cran-etm
  308. science/R-cran-fastICA
  309. science/R-cran-kernlab
  310. science/R-cran-ks
  311. science/R-cran-som
  312. science/R-cran-udunits2
  313. science/aircraft-datcom
  314. science/ascent
  315. science/atompaw
  316. science/bagel
  317. science/cdf
  318. science/cgnslib
  319. science/chemps2
  320. science/chimes-calculator
  321. science/chrono
  322. science/clipper
  323. science/code_saturne
  324. science/cp2k
  325. science/dakota
  326. science/dalton
  327. science/dftd3
  328. science/dkh
  329. science/erd
  330. science/erkale
  331. science/fastjet
  332. science/feff10
  333. science/fleur
  334. science/frontistr
  335. science/fvcom
  336. science/fvcom-mpi
  337. science/gamess-us
  338. science/gbtolib
  339. science/gcp
  340. science/gdma
  341. science/ghemical
  342. science/h5z-zfp
  343. science/hdf
  344. science/hdf5-110
  345. science/helfem
  346. science/iboview
  347. science/isaac-cfd
  348. science/jdftx
  349. science/kim-api
  350. science/latte
  351. science/libccp4
  352. science/libctl
  353. science/libghemical
  354. science/libgridxc
  355. science/libmbd
  356. science/libnegf
  357. science/m-aneos
  358. science/madness
  359. science/mcstas-comps
  360. science/mctc-lib
  361. science/mdynamix
  362. science/meep
  363. science/mopac
  364. science/multicharge
  365. science/namd
  366. science/openkim-models
  367. science/opensim-core
  368. science/packmol
  369. science/pastix
  370. science/pcmsolver
  371. science/py-phono3py
  372. science/py-pyscf
  373. science/py-scikit-learn
  374. science/q
  375. science/qmcpack
  376. science/qwalk
  377. science/siesta
  378. science/silo
  379. science/simbody
  380. science/simple-dftd3
  381. science/sirius
  382. science/tblite
  383. science/tfel
  384. science/tfel-edf
  385. science/ukrmol+
  386. science/v_sim
  387. science/wannier90
  388. science/xcrysden
  389. science/xtb
  390. security/R-cran-askpass
  391. sysutils/R-cran-fs
  392. sysutils/R-cran-processx
  393. sysutils/R-cran-ps
  394. sysutils/arcconf
  395. sysutils/bacula-libs3
  396. sysutils/edk2
  397. sysutils/grub2-bhyve
  398. sysutils/grub2-efi
  399. sysutils/memtest86+
  400. sysutils/shim
  401. sysutils/wiimms
  402. textproc/R-cran-XML
  403. textproc/R-cran-bibtex
  404. textproc/R-cran-commonmark
  405. textproc/R-cran-hunspell
  406. textproc/R-cran-openxlsx
  407. textproc/R-cran-pystr
  408. textproc/R-cran-rbibutils
  409. textproc/R-cran-readr
  410. textproc/R-cran-readxl
  411. textproc/R-cran-utf8
  412. textproc/R-cran-vroom
  413. textproc/R-cran-xml2
  414. textproc/fox-xml
  415. textproc/ibus
  416. textproc/senna
  417. textproc/toml-f
  418. www/R-cran-Rook
  419. www/cgicc
  420. www/kannel-sqlbox
  421. www/thundercache
  422. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 19 deleted ports
  1. cad/NASTRAN-95*
  2. comms/ncid*
  3. comms/sdr-wspr*
  4. databases/mysql-q4m*
  5. emulators/skyeye*
  6. emulators/wine7*
  7. finance/R-cran-ccgarch*
  8. graphics/R-cran-rtiff*
  9. graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin*
  10. graphics/py-open3d-python*
  11. mail/spamdyke*
  12. math/R-cran-RHmm*
  13. math/cvc3*
  14. math/octave-forge-statistics-bootstrap*
  15. net/openmpi3*
  16. science/dcl*
  17. science/libgeodecomp*
  18. sysutils/bacula11-libs3*
  19. www/anyterm*
  20. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. sysutils/arcconf

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 1 deleted port
  1. math/hs-penrose*
  2. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. archivers/R-cran-zip
  2. astro/R-cran-maptools
  3. astro/nightfall
  4. audio/openspc
  5. benchmarks/himenobench
  6. benchmarks/hpl
  7. benchmarks/polygraph
Expand this list (442 items / 435 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. benchmarks/tinymembench
  3. biology/R-cran-Biobase
  4. biology/R-cran-BiocGenerics
  5. biology/molden
  6. biology/plink
  7. biology/psi88
  8. biology/seqan3
  9. cad/alliance
  10. cad/calculix-ccx
  11. cad/feappv
  12. cad/freehdl
  13. cad/graywolf
  14. cad/pdnmesh
  15. cad/tochnog
  16. comms/ems-flasher
  17. comms/wsjtx
  18. converters/R-cran-RJSONIO
  19. converters/R-cran-base64enc
  20. converters/R-cran-jsonlite
  21. converters/R-cran-rjson
  22. databases/R-cran-RMySQL
  23. databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL
  24. databases/dbixx
  25. databases/fastdb
  26. databases/gigabase
  27. deskutils/sliderule
  28. devel/R-cran-Hmisc
  29. devel/R-cran-ModelMetrics
  30. devel/R-cran-Rcpp
  31. devel/R-cran-bindr
  32. devel/R-cran-bindrcpp
  33. devel/R-cran-bit
  34. devel/R-cran-bit64
  35. devel/R-cran-bitops
  36. devel/R-cran-brio
  37. devel/R-cran-caTools
  38. devel/R-cran-caret
  39. devel/R-cran-checkmate
  40. devel/R-cran-chk
  41. devel/R-cran-chron
  42. devel/R-cran-classInt
  43. devel/R-cran-cli
  44. devel/R-cran-clock
  45. devel/R-cran-covr
  46. devel/R-cran-decor
  47. devel/R-cran-diffobj
  48. devel/R-cran-ellipsis
  49. devel/R-cran-fansi
  50. devel/R-cran-filelock
  51. devel/R-cran-gbm
  52. devel/R-cran-git2r
  53. devel/R-cran-glmnet
  54. devel/R-cran-glue
  55. devel/R-cran-gtools
  56. devel/R-cran-later
  57. devel/R-cran-lubridate
  58. devel/R-cran-magrittr
  59. devel/R-cran-microbenchmark
  60. devel/R-cran-msm
  61. devel/R-cran-multicool
  62. devel/R-cran-parsedate
  63. devel/R-cran-pkgcache
  64. devel/R-cran-plogr
  65. devel/R-cran-plyr
  66. devel/R-cran-prettyunits
  67. devel/R-cran-progress
  68. devel/R-cran-purrr
  69. devel/R-cran-rJava
  70. devel/R-cran-randomForest
  71. devel/R-cran-rappdirs
  72. devel/R-cran-reshape
  73. devel/R-cran-reshape2
  74. devel/R-cran-rlang
  75. devel/R-cran-roxygen2
  76. devel/R-cran-sourcetools
  77. devel/R-cran-sys
  78. devel/R-cran-testthat
  79. devel/R-cran-tibble
  80. devel/R-cran-tidyr
  81. devel/R-cran-timechange
  82. devel/R-cran-tzdb
  83. devel/R-cran-uuid
  84. devel/R-cran-vctrs
  85. devel/RStudio
  86. devel/api-sanity-autotest
  87. devel/covtool
  88. devel/efivar
  89. devel/gcc-arm-embedded
  90. devel/kBuild
  91. devel/libcwd
  92. devel/lockfree-malloc
  93. devel/py-lxml
  94. devel/rhtvision
  95. devel/smv
  96. devel/test-drive
  97. editors/openoffice-4
  98. editors/openoffice-devel
  99. emulators/emulationstation
  100. emulators/libretro-reicast
  101. emulators/openmsx
  102. emulators/reicast
  103. emulators/x49gp
  104. finance/R-cran-PerformanceAnalytics
  105. finance/R-cran-TTR
  106. finance/R-cran-fBasics
  107. finance/R-cran-fGarch
  108. finance/R-cran-gmm
  109. finance/R-cran-lmtest
  110. finance/R-cran-strucchange
  111. finance/R-cran-tseries
  112. french/med
  113. ftp/R-cran-RCurl
  114. games/gemrb
  115. games/shaaft
  116. games/xbat
  117. graphics/R-cran-GDD
  118. graphics/R-cran-colorspace
  119. graphics/R-cran-ggrepel
  120. graphics/R-cran-jpeg
  121. graphics/R-cran-pROC
  122. graphics/R-cran-png
  123. graphics/R-cran-s2
  124. graphics/R-cran-scales
  125. graphics/darktable
  126. graphics/dataplot
  127. graphics/dcp2icc
  128. graphics/gimp-beautify-plugin
  129. graphics/pgplot
  130. graphics/rawtherapee
  131. graphics/sam2p
  132. graphics/xd3d
  133. irc/undernet-ircu
  134. japanese/skkinput3
  135. java/openjdk18
  136. java/openjdk19
  137. java/openjdk20
  138. lang/clisp
  139. lang/emilua
  140. lang/gambit-c
  141. lang/gcc
  142. lang/gforth
  143. lang/gnat12
  144. lang/micropython
  145. lang/mlkit
  146. lang/opencoarrays
  147. lang/p5-ExtUtils-F77
  148. lang/quilc
  149. lang/ratfor
  150. mail/milter-callback
  151. math/R-cran-BsMD
  152. math/R-cran-FNN
  153. math/R-cran-KFAS
  154. math/R-cran-MCMCpack
  155. math/R-cran-MatchIt
  156. math/R-cran-Matching
  157. math/R-cran-NMF
  158. math/R-cran-RSvgDevice
  159. math/R-cran-RcppRoll
  160. math/R-cran-Rmpfr
  161. math/R-cran-acepack
  162. math/R-cran-ash
  163. math/R-cran-conquer
  164. math/R-cran-date
  165. math/R-cran-ddalpha
  166. math/R-cran-dimRed
  167. math/R-cran-dplyr
  168. math/R-cran-energy
  169. math/R-cran-exactRankTests
  170. math/R-cran-expm
  171. math/R-cran-fracdiff
  172. math/R-cran-geepack
  173. math/R-cran-geometry
  174. math/R-cran-gmp
  175. math/R-cran-gower
  176. math/R-cran-gpclib
  177. math/R-cran-gsl
  178. math/R-cran-gss
  179. math/R-cran-haven
  180. math/R-cran-hdrcde
  181. math/R-cran-hexbin
  182. math/R-cran-influenceR
  183. math/R-cran-intervals
  184. math/R-cran-ipred
  185. math/R-cran-irlba
  186. math/R-cran-isoband
  187. math/R-cran-lazyeval
  188. math/R-cran-lpSolve
  189. math/R-cran-maps
  190. math/R-cran-mathjaxr
  191. math/R-cran-mcmc
  192. math/R-cran-memisc
  193. math/R-cran-ncdf4
  194. math/R-cran-nloptr
  195. math/R-cran-nnls
  196. math/R-cran-partitions
  197. math/R-cran-prodlim
  198. math/R-cran-proxy
  199. math/R-cran-quadprog
  200. math/R-cran-raster
  201. math/R-cran-rgenoud
  202. math/R-cran-robustbase
  203. math/R-cran-sets
  204. math/R-cran-sm
  205. math/R-cran-statmod
  206. math/R-cran-truncnorm
  207. math/R-cran-units
  208. math/R-cran-wk
  209. math/R-cran-zoo
  210. math/adept
  211. math/arpack-ng
  212. math/atlas
  213. math/blacs
  214. math/blas
  215. math/blaspp
  216. math/blaze
  217. math/blazeiterative
  218. math/blis
  219. math/cbc
  220. math/cblas
  221. math/clblast
  222. math/clp
  223. math/cmlib
  224. math/coin-or-metis
  225. math/coin-or-mumps
  226. math/combblas
  227. math/couenne
  228. math/dbcsr
  229. math/ddfun
  230. math/dqfun
  231. math/dsdp
  232. math/dune-curvedgeometry
  233. math/dune-foamgrid
  234. math/dune-functions
  235. math/dune-localfunctions
  236. math/dune-metagrid
  237. math/dune-multidomaingrid
  238. math/dune-spgrid
  239. math/dune-typetree
  240. math/eispack
  241. math/fftw
  242. math/fftw-float
  243. math/fftw3-quad
  244. math/ggobi
  245. math/hptt
  246. math/kktdirect
  247. math/lapack
  248. math/lapack++
  249. math/lapack95
  250. math/lapacke
  251. math/lapackpp
  252. math/levmar
  253. math/libRmath
  254. math/librsb
  255. math/libxsmm
  256. math/lidia
  257. math/math77
  258. math/miracl
  259. math/mumps
  260. math/mumps4
  261. math/ntpoly
  262. math/openblas
  263. math/optpp
  264. math/petiga
  265. math/py-pynleq2
  266. math/py-scs
  267. math/qd
  268. math/qposases
  269. math/qrupdate
  270. math/qxfun
  271. math/rkward
  272. math/scalapack
  273. math/scalapackfx
  274. math/scorec-core
  275. math/scs
  276. math/sdpa
  277. math/sfft
  278. math/slatec
  279. math/spblas
  280. math/spla
  281. math/superlu
  282. math/superlu-dist
  283. math/taucs
  284. math/trlan
  285. math/xlapack
  286. math/xlife++
  287. misc/R-cran-mime
  288. misc/libemos
  289. misc/py-QSpectrumAnalyzer
  290. misc/thrill
  291. misc/veles
  292. multimedia/avidemux
  293. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  294. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  295. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  296. multimedia/xanim
  297. net/R-cran-pingr
  298. net/charm
  299. net/libtnl
  300. net/openmpi4
  301. net-mgmt/aircrack-ng
  302. science/R-cran-DCluster
  303. science/R-cran-bayesm
  304. science/R-cran-e1071
  305. science/R-cran-eco
  306. science/R-cran-etm
  307. science/R-cran-fastICA
  308. science/R-cran-kernlab
  309. science/R-cran-ks
  310. science/R-cran-som
  311. science/R-cran-udunits2
  312. science/aircraft-datcom
  313. science/ascent
  314. science/atompaw
  315. science/bagel
  316. science/cdf
  317. science/cgnslib
  318. science/chemps2
  319. science/chimes-calculator
  320. science/chrono
  321. science/clipper
  322. science/code_saturne
  323. science/cp2k
  324. science/dakota
  325. science/dalton
  326. science/dftd3
  327. science/dkh
  328. science/erd
  329. science/erkale
  330. science/fastjet
  331. science/feff10
  332. science/fleur
  333. science/frontistr
  334. science/fvcom
  335. science/fvcom-mpi
  336. science/gamess-us
  337. science/gbtolib
  338. science/gcp
  339. science/gdma
  340. science/ghemical
  341. science/h5z-zfp
  342. science/hdf
  343. science/hdf5-110
  344. science/helfem
  345. science/iboview
  346. science/isaac-cfd
  347. science/jdftx
  348. science/kim-api
  349. science/latte
  350. science/libccp4
  351. science/libctl
  352. science/libghemical
  353. science/libgridxc
  354. science/libmbd
  355. science/libnegf
  356. science/m-aneos
  357. science/madness
  358. science/mcstas-comps
  359. science/mctc-lib
  360. science/mdynamix
  361. science/meep
  362. science/mopac
  363. science/multicharge
  364. science/namd
  365. science/openkim-models
  366. science/opensim-core
  367. science/packmol
  368. science/pastix
  369. science/pcmsolver
  370. science/py-phono3py
  371. science/py-pyscf
  372. science/py-scikit-learn
  373. science/q
  374. science/qmcpack
  375. science/qwalk
  376. science/siesta
  377. science/silo
  378. science/simbody
  379. science/simple-dftd3
  380. science/sirius
  381. science/tblite
  382. science/tfel
  383. science/tfel-edf
  384. science/ukrmol+
  385. science/v_sim
  386. science/wannier90
  387. science/xcrysden
  388. science/xtb
  389. security/R-cran-askpass
  390. sysutils/R-cran-fs
  391. sysutils/R-cran-processx
  392. sysutils/R-cran-ps
  393. sysutils/arcconf
  394. sysutils/bacula-libs3
  395. sysutils/grub2-efi
  396. sysutils/shim
  397. sysutils/wiimms
  398. textproc/R-cran-XML
  399. textproc/R-cran-bibtex
  400. textproc/R-cran-commonmark
  401. textproc/R-cran-hunspell
  402. textproc/R-cran-openxlsx
  403. textproc/R-cran-pystr
  404. textproc/R-cran-rbibutils
  405. textproc/R-cran-readr
  406. textproc/R-cran-readxl
  407. textproc/R-cran-utf8
  408. textproc/R-cran-vroom
  409. textproc/R-cran-xml2
  410. textproc/fox-xml
  411. textproc/ibus
  412. textproc/senna
  413. textproc/toml-f
  414. www/R-cran-Rook
  415. www/cgicc
  416. www/kannel-sqlbox
  417. www/thundercache
  418. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 19 deleted ports
  1. cad/NASTRAN-95*
  2. comms/ncid*
  3. comms/sdr-wspr*
  4. databases/mysql-q4m*
  5. emulators/skyeye*
  6. emulators/wine7*
  7. finance/R-cran-ccgarch*
  8. graphics/R-cran-rtiff*
  9. graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin*
  10. graphics/py-open3d-python*
  11. mail/spamdyke*
  12. math/R-cran-RHmm*
  13. math/cvc3*
  14. math/octave-forge-statistics-bootstrap*
  15. net/openmpi3*
  16. science/dcl*
  17. science/libgeodecomp*
  18. sysutils/bacula11-libs3*
  19. www/anyterm*
  20. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for gcc12-12.3.0: GRAPHITE=off: Support for Graphite loop optimizations MULTILIB=on: Build support for 32-bit and 64-bit targets ====> Options available for the radio BOOTSTRAP: you can only select none or one of them LTO_BOOTSTRAP=off: Build using a full LTO bootstrap STANDARD_BOOTSTRAP=on: Build using a full bootstrap without LTO ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c++11-lang cpe gmake iconv libtool makeinfo perl5 tar:xz
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (8 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 25

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
13 May 2024 21:19:50
commit hash: f040d259aeda3ec5cd7c440c8f03364bdcac9311commit hash: f040d259aeda3ec5cd7c440c8f03364bdcac9311commit hash: f040d259aeda3ec5cd7c440c8f03364bdcac9311commit hash: f040d259aeda3ec5cd7c440c8f03364bdcac9311 files touched by this commit
Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: enable for riscv64

Builds fine on riscv64 15-CURRENT.

PR:		272759
Approved by:	salvadore (maintainer)
MFH:		2024Q2
03 Feb 2024 09:57:04
commit hash: a51e69c269575d3c8d9e4e6592efc1bf0605473ccommit hash: a51e69c269575d3c8d9e4e6592efc1bf0605473ccommit hash: a51e69c269575d3c8d9e4e6592efc1bf0605473ccommit hash: a51e69c269575d3c8d9e4e6592efc1bf0605473c files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Update to 12.3.0


PR:		273397
Tested by:	exp-run (antoine)
03 Feb 2024 09:57:04
commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc{12,13}: Switch back to standard bootstrap

Switch back to STANDARD_BOOTSTRAP on i386, amd64 and aarch64 as default
option instead of LTO_BOOTSTRAP, forwarding the changes already commited
in the devel ports (commits daf12c76bd531335f58e7602afd3bc8da8fc5c33,
872d61f8ead10a6d935117876cf60057a46770ff, and
da4cb11216a7ed594d5dc453deb4693b48c3c7e9) and in lang/gcc11 (commit

Users wanting to use LTO_BOOTSTRAP can still enable the option manually.

PR:		273397
Tested by:	exp-run (antoine)
27 Jan 2024 00:30:41
commit hash: 821de0efb0621de4ec372c91303bc97cab6e4750commit hash: 821de0efb0621de4ec372c91303bc97cab6e4750commit hash: 821de0efb0621de4ec372c91303bc97cab6e4750commit hash: 821de0efb0621de4ec372c91303bc97cab6e4750 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Moved man to share/man

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
05 Jan 2024 21:04:07
commit hash: 3250ebd7afb568ba91b56de9dec722de6bd9e546commit hash: 3250ebd7afb568ba91b56de9dec722de6bd9e546commit hash: 3250ebd7afb568ba91b56de9dec722de6bd9e546commit hash: 3250ebd7afb568ba91b56de9dec722de6bd9e546 files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: drop ELFv1 support
31 Dec 2023 00:37:05
commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Sunset 12.4-RELEASE/12-STABLE from ports tree

- Remove all references to defunct ARCH arm
- Remove all references to defunct ARCH sparc64
- Remove x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb which requires defunct sparc64
- Remove sysutils/afbinit requires defunct sparc64 ARCH
- Remove all references to bktr driver
- Remove all references to defunct FreeBSD_12
- Remove all references to OSVERSION/OSREL corresponding to 12
- Remove conditionals in Mk/Uses/
- Remove sparc reference from Mk/Uses/
- Remove BROKEN_sparc64/NOT_FOR_ARCH=sparc64
- Remove BROKEN_FreeBSD_12* from:
- Remove OpenSSL patches from:
- Remove conditional flags for OSVERSION >= 1300000 to fixed flags.
  Also move conditional flags for non sparc64/arm ARCH to fixed flags.

Reviewed by:	brooks, jbeich, rene, salvadore
Differential Revision:
15 Dec 2023 20:36:59
commit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3ac files touched by this commit
Dimitry Andric (dim) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12 lang/gcc12-devel lang/gcc13 lang/gcc13-devel lang/gcc14-devel: fix
build without bootstrap

When more recent gcc ports are built without bootstrap, compiling libcc1
plugins results in errors similar to:

  In file included from
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/vector:321:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_bool.h:20:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_integral.h:32:
  /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:289:36: error: attempt to use a poisoned identifier
    289 |         __status = (unsigned char*)malloc(__nkw);
        |                                    ^
  /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:1584:28: error: attempt to use a poisoned
   1584 |         __ob =
        |                            ^
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Dec 2023 18:11:27
commit hash: 3c2b953b9cde73c0d2770889cd83d66e707cdfebcommit hash: 3c2b953b9cde73c0d2770889cd83d66e707cdfebcommit hash: 3c2b953b9cde73c0d2770889cd83d66e707cdfebcommit hash: 3c2b953b9cde73c0d2770889cd83d66e707cdfeb files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: install ISO_Fortran_binding.h in a separate directory

ISO_Fortran_binding.h is sometimes needed for the support of Fortran
2018, e.g. MPICH must find it to build mpi_f08.mod.

ATM it is installed in a directory depending on $CONFIGURE_TARGET with
a complex path, and it is not possible to point CFLAGS towards this dir
because other headers (like stdatomic.h) would conflict with those from
the system.

Therefore create a new directory /usr/local/include/gcc12 to install
this header.

PR:		275431
Approved by:	salvadore@ (maintainer)
06 Oct 2023 17:48:53
commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32 files touched by this commit
Dimitry Andric (dim) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc10 lang/gcc11 lang/gcc11-devel lang/gcc12 lang/gcc12-devel lang/gcc13
lang/gcc13-devel lang/gcc14-devel: fix build with libc++ 17

When building relatively recent gcc ports (with C++ in them) against
libc++ 17, you get errors similar to:

  In file included from
  In file included from
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/vector:321:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_bool.h:20:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_integral.h:32:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:202:
  /usr/include/c++/v1/__locale:546:5: error: '__abi_tag__' attribute only
applies to structs, variables, functions, and namespaces
        |     ^
  /usr/include/c++/v1/__config:813:37: note: expanded from macro
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
19 Jun 2023 13:39:01
commit hash: 6f24acefb2cd4bf07a02dfabd21e7a9a116f1567commit hash: 6f24acefb2cd4bf07a02dfabd21e7a9a116f1567commit hash: 6f24acefb2cd4bf07a02dfabd21e7a9a116f1567commit hash: 6f24acefb2cd4bf07a02dfabd21e7a9a116f1567 files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: check for CPUTYPE being defined

Reported by:	freshports
19 Jun 2023 13:18:06
commit hash: dcbc273b6b19b13eac1b1fbbb013148e1721dc85commit hash: dcbc273b6b19b13eac1b1fbbb013148e1721dc85commit hash: dcbc273b6b19b13eac1b1fbbb013148e1721dc85commit hash: dcbc273b6b19b13eac1b1fbbb013148e1721dc85 files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure Refresh
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: fix build on powerpc64* with CPUTYPE?=g[3-5]

GCC doesn't support -mcpu=g4, but it supports -mcpu=G4. Same for g3 and g5.
12 May 2023 15:39:47
commit hash: 5b4cadb23cbc2db23d7e2a40c16abd3e862fcf62commit hash: 5b4cadb23cbc2db23d7e2a40c16abd3e862fcf62commit hash: 5b4cadb23cbc2db23d7e2a40c16abd3e862fcf62commit hash: 5b4cadb23cbc2db23d7e2a40c16abd3e862fcf62 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Work around aarch64 extraction bug

Extraction fails with poudriere on aarch64 with the following error:

=> SHA256 Checksum OK for gcc-12.2.0.tar.xz.
tar: Pathname can't be converted from UTF-8 to current locale.
tar: Pathname can't be converted from UTF-8 to current locale.
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

Enforcing use of bsdtar works around the issue. The issue is specific to
lang/gcc11 and lang/gcc12: no other GCC port is affected.

See also bug

PR:		271052
Reported by:	Vidar Karlsen <>
Reviewed by:	gerald, mikael
23 Apr 2023 09:09:58
commit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5b files touched by this commit
Gerald Pfeifer (gerald) search for other commits by this committer
*: Bump PORTREVISIONs for math/mpc update to 1.3.1
03 Feb 2023 15:11:03
commit hash: 444f183cebf8b5e304b143a900e2f70f1e30bde4commit hash: 444f183cebf8b5e304b143a900e2f70f1e30bde4commit hash: 444f183cebf8b5e304b143a900e2f70f1e30bde4commit hash: 444f183cebf8b5e304b143a900e2f70f1e30bde4 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Mark PIE_UNSAFE

Building the port with WITH_PIE fails if STANDARD_BOOTSTRAP or
LTO_BOOTSTRAP option is enabled.

Mark PIE_UNSAFE when such an option is enabled until a better solution
is found.

PR:             268901
Reported by:    netchild
30 Nov 2022 12:52:57
commit hash: d187c559f003650fe5eb4b9bcdc499f623d3b4a3commit hash: d187c559f003650fe5eb4b9bcdc499f623d3b4a3commit hash: d187c559f003650fe5eb4b9bcdc499f623d3b4a3commit hash: d187c559f003650fe5eb4b9bcdc499f623d3b4a3 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Re-execute program with ASLR disabled when necessary

Software compiled with -fsanitize=address needs ASLR to be disabled to
run successfully.

Add patches taken from the commits listed below that improve ASLR
detection and re-execute the program with ASLR disabled if necessary.

PR:		267751
30 Nov 2022 12:52:52
commit hash: 27141421f69cb2d2bc6a462d005b251921f2c52bcommit hash: 27141421f69cb2d2bc6a462d005b251921f2c52bcommit hash: 27141421f69cb2d2bc6a462d005b251921f2c52bcommit hash: 27141421f69cb2d2bc6a462d005b251921f2c52b files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Fix Address sanitizer

Software compiled with -fsanitize=address fails to run with the error
message "ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you
should either link runtime to your application or manually preload it

This commit fixes the issue by ignoring the [vdso] loaded shared library
instead of

PR:		267751
Reported by:	yuri
09 Nov 2022 13:29:15
commit hash: f1957296ed2dce8a09bb9582e9a5a715bf8b3d4dcommit hash: f1957296ed2dce8a09bb9582e9a5a715bf8b3d4dcommit hash: f1957296ed2dce8a09bb9582e9a5a715bf8b3d4dcommit hash: f1957296ed2dce8a09bb9582e9a5a715bf8b3d4d files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Fix conflict on libgccjit.h and libgccjit++.h

GCC 11, GCC 12 and GCC 13 install libgccjit.h and libgccjit++.h in the
same directory.

Fix conflict for lang/gcc12, which is soon to become GCC_DEFAULT, by
installing those files in a directory specific to GCC 12.

See also commit 0338e04504ee269b7a95e6707f1314bc1c4239fe that fixed the
conflict in the same way for lang/gcc11.

PR:		257060
09 Sep 2022 11:10:15
commit hash: 781f8a55a2b744679d8b7ac936f198d573906685commit hash: 781f8a55a2b744679d8b7ac936f198d573906685commit hash: 781f8a55a2b744679d8b7ac936f198d573906685commit hash: 781f8a55a2b744679d8b7ac936f198d573906685 files touched by this commit
Gerald Pfeifer (gerald) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: The Fortran front end is gfortran12
08 Sep 2022 15:46:38
commit hash: ade2a047e0eb835f7f42682496614cfd259757eacommit hash: ade2a047e0eb835f7f42682496614cfd259757eacommit hash: ade2a047e0eb835f7f42682496614cfd259757eacommit hash: ade2a047e0eb835f7f42682496614cfd259757ea files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW lines that have been moved into Makefiles

Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)
08 Sep 2022 15:43:21
commit hash: 986beaaabc71b9e7e29e7e89e0f36405b687216fcommit hash: 986beaaabc71b9e7e29e7e89e0f36405b687216fcommit hash: 986beaaabc71b9e7e29e7e89e0f36405b687216fcommit hash: 986beaaabc71b9e7e29e7e89e0f36405b687216f files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Move more WWW entries from pkg-descr files into Makefiles

The WWW: lines in the pkg-descr files of these ports where not at the
end of those files and have been missed in prior conversion runs.

Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)
25 Aug 2022 21:35:37
commit hash: 86e7abbbf467e97ffa58363ca3327d08395931eecommit hash: 86e7abbbf467e97ffa58363ca3327d08395931eecommit hash: 86e7abbbf467e97ffa58363ca3327d08395931eecommit hash: 86e7abbbf467e97ffa58363ca3327d08395931ee files touched by this commit
Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Expose non-default -stdlib=libc++ support

Fix -stdlib=libc++ option which produced "error: unrecognized
command-line option '-stdlib=libc++'".

PR:		265962
Approved by:	salvadore (maintainer)
Exp-run by:	antoine (via bug 265964)
19 Aug 2022 18:41:54
commit hash: 3a4acf7356e7b2eea67c3a471255f072514e80decommit hash: 3a4acf7356e7b2eea67c3a471255f072514e80decommit hash: 3a4acf7356e7b2eea67c3a471255f072514e80decommit hash: 3a4acf7356e7b2eea67c3a471255f072514e80de files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: Update to 12.2.0

Also take maintainership.
20 Jul 2022 14:22:15
commit hash: f98ae56653d5255e3519da4e97d6edbaa7e6df91commit hash: f98ae56653d5255e3519da4e97d6edbaa7e6df91commit hash: f98ae56653d5255e3519da4e97d6edbaa7e6df91commit hash: f98ae56653d5255e3519da4e97d6edbaa7e6df91 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
lang: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Akinori MUSHA aka knu <>
  *  Alex Dupre <>
  *  Alexey Dokuchaev <>
  *  Alonso Cardenas Marquez <>
  *  Andreas Klemm <>
  *  Andrew Pantyukhin <>
  *  Andrey Zakhvatov
  *  Anton Berezin <>
  *  Anton Berezin <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Jul 2022 22:56:01
commit hash: 320e9debc3c3b4a90292a9aa29f139be9df00f40commit hash: 320e9debc3c3b4a90292a9aa29f139be9df00f40commit hash: 320e9debc3c3b4a90292a9aa29f139be9df00f40commit hash: 320e9debc3c3b4a90292a9aa29f139be9df00f40 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc>=11: Warn about LTO_BOOTSTRAP

Warn users about the amount of ram and time needed to build GCC with

PR:		264949
Reported by:	Tomoaki AOKI <> and others
Reviewed by:	gerald
Differential Revision:
06 May 2022 18:01:39
commit hash: ca48c22e1c7a4e39244d6bea3b9f52cc17047592commit hash: ca48c22e1c7a4e39244d6bea3b9f52cc17047592commit hash: ca48c22e1c7a4e39244d6bea3b9f52cc17047592commit hash: ca48c22e1c7a4e39244d6bea3b9f52cc17047592 files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12: add gcc 12


Number of commits found: 25