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Port details on branch 2024Q2
meson High performance build system
1.4.0 devel on this many watch lists=13 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.4.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2016-11-13 13:06:11
Last Update: 2024-03-16 01:20:08
Commit Hash: 7d8958e
People watching this port, also watch:: pkgconf, expat, rhash, libedit, libffi
Also Listed In: python
License: APACHE20
Meson is a cross-platform build system designed to be both as fast and as user friendly as possible. It supports many languages and compilers, including GCC, Clang and Visual Studio. Its build definitions are written in a simple non-turing complete DSL. The main design point of Meson is that every moment a developer spends writing or debugging build definitions is a second wasted. So is every second spent waiting for the build system to actually start compiling code.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • meson>0:devel/meson
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/meson/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/meson
  • pkg install meson
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: meson
Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
  • py39: meson
TIMESTAMP = 1710266260 SHA256 (meson-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 8fd6630c25c27f1489a8a0392b311a60481a3c161aa699b330e25935b750138d SIZE (meson-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 2224663

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. py39-setuptools>0 : devel/py-setuptools@py39
  2. py39-wheel>0 : devel/py-wheel@py39
  3. python3.9 : lang/python39
  4. py39-build>=0 : devel/py-build@py39
  5. py39-installer>=0 : devel/py-installer@py39
Test dependencies:
  1. py39-pytest-xdist>0 : devel/py-pytest-xdist@py39
  2. python3.9 : lang/python39
Runtime dependencies:
  1. ninja : devel/ninja
  2. python3.9 : lang/python39
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. accessibility/at-spi2-core
  2. accessibility/feedbackd
  3. accessibility/wlsunset
  4. archivers/file-roller
  5. archivers/gcab
  6. archivers/gnome-autoar
  7. archivers/liblz4
Expand this list (775 items / 768 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. archivers/zchunk
  3. astro/siril
  4. audio/a2jmidid
  5. audio/amberol
  6. audio/cyanrip
  7. audio/espressivo-lv2
  8. audio/eteroj-lv2
  9. audio/fomp-lv2
  10. audio/ganv
  11. audio/gnome-metronome
  12. audio/gnome-music
  13. audio/gnome-podcasts
  14. audio/goobox
  15. audio/gsound
  16. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec
  17. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-amrnb
  18. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-amrwbdec
  19. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-bs2b
  20. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-cdparanoia
  21. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint
  22. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-faac
  23. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-faad
  24. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-flac
  25. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-flite
  26. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-gme
  27. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-gsm
  28. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-jack
  29. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-ladspa
  30. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-lame
  31. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-lv2
  32. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-modplug
  33. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123
  34. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-musepack
  35. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-ogg
  36. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-openmpt
  37. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-opus
  38. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-pulse
  39. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-shout2
  40. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-sidplay
  41. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile
  42. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-soundtouch
  43. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-speex
  44. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-taglib
  45. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-twolame
  46. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis
  47. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack
  48. audio/gstreamer1-plugins-webrtcdsp
  49. audio/intersect-lv2
  50. audio/jack-example-tools
  51. audio/jacktrip
  52. audio/jalv
  53. audio/kapitonov-plugins-pack-lv2
  54. audio/klystrack
  55. audio/libaudec
  56. audio/libmpdclient
  57. audio/libspecbleach
  58. audio/lilv
  59. audio/lollypop
  60. audio/lv2
  61. audio/lv2lint
  62. audio/midi-matrix-lv2
  63. audio/moodbar
  64. audio/moony-lv2
  65. audio/mousai
  66. audio/musicpc
  67. audio/musicpd
  68. audio/ncmpc
  69. audio/noise-repellent-lv2
  70. audio/orbit-lv2
  71. audio/pamixer
  72. audio/paprefs
  73. audio/patchage
  74. audio/pithos
  75. audio/pulseaudio
  76. audio/raul
  77. audio/rhythmbox
  78. audio/rubberband
  79. audio/sherlock-lv2
  80. audio/shortwave
  81. audio/sound-juicer
  82. audio/spc2it
  83. audio/speech-denoiser-lv2
  84. audio/sratom
  85. audio/synthpod-lv2
  86. audio/timely-lv2
  87. audio/tuner
  88. audio/vm-lv2
  89. audio/wavbreaker
  90. audio/webrtc-audio-processing
  91. audio/zplugins-lv2
  92. audio/zrythm
  93. benchmarks/glmark2
  94. benchmarks/mangohud
  95. benchmarks/vkmark
  96. benchmarks/vkoverhead
  97. biology/btllib
  98. biology/freebayes
  99. biology/pbbam
  100. cad/horizon-eda
  101. comms/gstreamer1-plugins-spandsp
  102. comms/scrcpy
  103. comms/tio
  104. converters/fribidi
  105. databases/arrow-glib
  106. databases/gom
  107. databases/pgbackrest
  108. databases/sequeler
  109. deskutils/baobab
  110. deskutils/bijiben
  111. deskutils/bookworm
  112. deskutils/budgie-desktop-view
  113. deskutils/dmenu-wayland
  114. deskutils/elementary-calendar
  115. deskutils/foliate
  116. deskutils/gnome-calendar
  117. deskutils/gnome-characters
  118. deskutils/gnome-clocks
  119. deskutils/gnome-contacts
  120. deskutils/gnome-dictionary
  121. deskutils/gnome-font-viewer
  122. deskutils/gnome-initial-setup
  123. deskutils/gnome-maps
  124. deskutils/gnome-photos
  125. deskutils/gnome-planner
  126. deskutils/gnome-pomodoro
  127. deskutils/gnome-screenshot
  128. deskutils/gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer
  129. deskutils/gnome-sound-recorder
  130. deskutils/gnome-todo
  131. deskutils/gnome-tweaks
  132. deskutils/gnome-weather
  133. deskutils/gnote
  134. deskutils/gucharmap
  135. deskutils/health
  136. deskutils/i3lock
  137. deskutils/i3status
  138. deskutils/iconbrowser
  139. deskutils/libportal
  140. deskutils/libportal-gtk3
  141. deskutils/libportal-gtk4
  142. deskutils/libportal-qt5
  143. deskutils/meteo
  144. deskutils/nautilus-sendto
  145. deskutils/solanum
  146. deskutils/walld
  147. deskutils/xdg-desktop-portal
  148. devel/aml
  149. devel/appstream
  150. devel/appstream-compose
  151. devel/appstream-glib
  152. devel/appstream-qt
  153. devel/argp-standalone
  154. devel/basu
  155. devel/blueprint-compiler
  156. devel/boxfort
  157. devel/criterion
  158. devel/d-feet
  159. devel/d-spy
  160. devel/dconf
  161. devel/dconf-editor
  162. devel/desktop-file-utils
  163. devel/devhelp
  164. devel/edi
  165. devel/efl
  166. devel/gitg
  167. devel/glade
  168. devel/glib20
  169. devel/glibd
  170. devel/glibmm
  171. devel/glibmm26
  172. devel/gnome-builder
  173. devel/gobject-introspection
  174. devel/gsettings-desktop-schemas
  175. devel/gstreamer1-plugins-soup
  176. devel/gtranslator
  177. devel/gvfs
  178. devel/inih
  179. devel/json-glib
  180. devel/jsoncpp
  181. devel/jsonrpc-glib
  182. devel/libaravis
  183. devel/libb2
  184. devel/libevdev
  185. devel/libgdata
  186. devel/libgit2-glib
  187. devel/libgnt
  188. devel/libgudev
  189. devel/libgusb
  190. devel/libkiwix
  191. devel/libnotify
  192. devel/libosinfo
  193. devel/libpciaccess
  194. devel/libpeas
  195. devel/libscfg
  196. devel/libsigc++20
  197. devel/libsigc++30
  198. devel/libsoup
  199. devel/libsoup3
  200. devel/libspice-server
  201. devel/libudev-devd
  202. devel/libvirt
  203. devel/libvirt-dbus
  204. devel/libvirt-glib
  205. devel/libzim
  206. devel/meson-python
  207. devel/msitools
  208. devel/orc
  209. devel/pcsc-lite
  210. devel/py-gobject3
  211. devel/py-libpeas
  212. devel/pygobject3-common
  213. devel/serd
  214. devel/simde
  215. devel/sord
  216. devel/spice-protocol
  217. devel/template-glib
  218. devel/tllist
  219. devel/tomlplusplus
  220. devel/wf-config
  221. devel/xdg-dbus-proxy
  222. devel/zix
  223. dns/knot-resolver
  224. dns/libmicrodns
  225. dns/libpsl
  226. editors/bless
  227. editors/elementary-code
  228. editors/gedit
  229. editors/gedit-plugins
  230. editors/ghex
  231. editors/gnome-text-editor
  232. editors/lite-xl
  233. editors/marker
  234. editors/pragtical
  235. editors/quilter
  236. editors/setzer
  237. editors/xed
  238. emulators/dosbox-staging
  239. emulators/qemu-cheri
  240. emulators/qemu-user-static-devel
  241. ftp/coeurl
  242. ftp/gstreamer1-plugins-curl
  243. games/aisleriot
  244. games/atomix
  245. games/eksanos
  246. games/five-or-more
  247. games/four-in-a-row
  248. games/gnome-2048
  249. games/gnome-chess
  250. games/gnome-klotski
  251. games/gnome-mahjongg
  252. games/gnome-mines
  253. games/gnome-nibbles
  254. games/gnome-robots
  255. games/gnome-sudoku
  256. games/gnome-tetravex
  257. games/hitori
  258. games/lander
  259. games/libgnome-games-support
  260. games/libmanette
  261. games/lightsoff
  262. games/naev
  263. games/pipewalker
  264. games/powder-toy
  265. games/powder-toy-devel
  266. games/quadrapassel
  267. games/swell-foop
  268. games/taisei
  269. games/tali
  270. graphics/akira
  271. graphics/cgif
  272. graphics/clutter-gtk3
  273. graphics/colord
  274. graphics/colord-gtk
  275. graphics/curtail
  276. graphics/drawing
  277. graphics/drm_info
  278. graphics/egl-wayland
  279. graphics/elementary-photos
  280. graphics/entangle
  281. graphics/entice
  282. graphics/eog
  283. graphics/ephoto
  284. graphics/evince
  285. graphics/frogr
  286. graphics/gcolor3
  287. graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
  288. graphics/gdk-pixbuf2-xlib
  289. graphics/geeqie
  290. graphics/gegl
  291. graphics/gexiv2
  292. graphics/gnome-color-manager
  293. graphics/gnome-video-effects
  294. graphics/graphene
  295. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-aalib
  296. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-cairo
  297. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-gdkpixbuf
  298. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-gl
  299. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-jpeg
  300. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-kms
  301. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-libcaca
  302. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-libvisual
  303. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-opencv
  304. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openexr
  305. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openjpeg
  306. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-png
  307. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-qt
  308. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-rsvg
  309. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-vulkan
  310. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-webp
  311. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-zbar
  312. graphics/gthumb
  313. graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
  314. graphics/halftone
  315. graphics/igt-gpu-tools
  316. graphics/imv
  317. graphics/kmscube
  318. graphics/libGLU
  319. graphics/libchamplain
  320. graphics/libdicom
  321. graphics/libdrm
  322. graphics/libepoxy
  323. graphics/libglvnd
  324. graphics/libgxps
  325. graphics/libliftoff
  326. graphics/libosmesa
  327. graphics/libplacebo
  328. graphics/libspng
  329. graphics/mesa-demos
  330. graphics/mesa-devel
  331. graphics/mesa-dri
  332. graphics/mesa-gallium-va
  333. graphics/mesa-gallium-vdpau
  334. graphics/mesa-gallium-xa
  335. graphics/mesa-libs
  336. graphics/minder
  337. graphics/openslide
  338. graphics/py-cairo
  339. graphics/shotwell
  340. graphics/simple-scan
  341. graphics/swappy
  342. graphics/unpaper
  343. graphics/upscaler
  344. graphics/vapoursynth-waifu2x-w2xc
  345. graphics/viewnior
  346. graphics/vips
  347. graphics/waffle
  348. graphics/wayland
  349. graphics/wayland-protocols
  350. graphics/wayland-utils
  351. graphics/webp-pixbuf-loader
  352. graphics/zathura
  353. graphics/zathura-cb
  354. graphics/zathura-djvu
  355. graphics/zathura-pdf-mupdf
  356. graphics/zathura-pdf-poppler
  357. graphics/zathura-ps
  358. irc/hexchat
  359. irc/irssi
  360. irc/polari
  361. irc/srain
  362. lang/cjs
  363. lang/clover
  364. lang/emilua
  365. lang/gir-to-d
  366. lang/gjs
  367. lang/janet
  368. lang/rizin
  369. mail/geary
  370. mail/libesmtp
  371. math/cglm
  372. math/elementary-calculator
  373. math/gnome-calculator
  374. math/py-contourpy
  375. misc/liblxi
  376. misc/libmodulemd
  377. misc/lxi-tools
  378. misc/shared-mime-info
  379. multimedia/aravis
  380. multimedia/audacious
  381. multimedia/audacious-plugins
  382. multimedia/celluloid
  383. multimedia/cheese
  384. multimedia/clapper
  385. multimedia/dav1d
  386. multimedia/elementary-videos
  387. multimedia/gstreamer1
  388. multimedia/gstreamer1-editing-services
  389. multimedia/gstreamer1-libav
  390. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins
  391. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-aom
  392. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-assrender
  393. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-bad
  394. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-dash
  395. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-dts
  396. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-dv
  397. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread
  398. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-good
  399. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-hls
  400. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-libde265
  401. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-mpeg2dec
  402. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-mpeg2enc
  403. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-mplex
  404. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-msdk
  405. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-openh264
  406. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd
  407. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-rust
  408. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-smoothstreaming
  409. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-av1
  410. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-hevc
  411. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-vp9
  412. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-theora
  413. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-ttml
  414. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-ugly
  415. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-v4l2
  416. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-vpx
  417. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-x264
  418. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-x265
  419. multimedia/gstreamer1-rtsp-server
  420. multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi
  421. multimedia/handbrake
  422. multimedia/helvum
  423. multimedia/kooha
  424. multimedia/libdv
  425. multimedia/libmediaart
  426. multimedia/libndi
  427. multimedia/librist
  428. multimedia/libva
  429. multimedia/libva-intel-driver
  430. multimedia/libva-nvidia-driver
  431. multimedia/libva-utils
  432. multimedia/libvdpau
  433. multimedia/mpv
  434. multimedia/mpvpaper
  435. multimedia/peek
  436. multimedia/pipewire
  437. multimedia/pitivi
  438. multimedia/playerctl
  439. multimedia/py-gstreamer1
  440. multimedia/py-metadata-cleaner
  441. multimedia/rage
  442. multimedia/totem
  443. multimedia/totem-pl-parser
  444. multimedia/vapoursynth-l-smash-works
  445. multimedia/vapoursynth-vmaf
  446. multimedia/video-trimmer
  447. multimedia/vmaf
  448. multimedia/wf-recorder
  449. multimedia/wireplumber
  450. multimedia/wlrobs
  451. net/dpdk
  452. net/dpdk-20.11
  453. net/geoclue
  454. net/geocode-glib
  455. net/geocode-glib2
  456. net/glib-networking
  457. net/gnome-connections
  458. net/gnome-nettool
  459. net/grilo
  460. net/grilo-plugins
  461. net/gssdp
  462. net/gssdp14
  463. net/gstreamer1-plugins-srtp
  464. net/gtk-vnc
  465. net/gupnp
  466. net/gupnp-av
  467. net/gupnp-igd
  468. net/gupnp-tools
  469. net/jose
  470. net/libgweather
  471. net/libgweather4
  472. net/libnpupnp
  473. net/librest1
  474. net/libslirp
  475. net/libsrtp2
  476. net/megatools
  477. net/mobile-broadband-provider-info
  478. net/neatvnc
  479. net/slurm
  480. net/waypipe
  481. net/wayvnc
  482. net/wlvncc
  483. net-im/folks
  484. net-im/fractal
  485. net-im/libaccounts-glib
  486. net-im/libnice
  487. net-im/libnice-gst1
  488. net-im/libsignon-glib
  489. net-im/purple-plugin-pack
  490. net-im/talkatu
  491. net-im/telepathy-accounts-signon
  492. net-mgmt/gnu-ipcalc
  493. net-mgmt/virt-viewer
  494. ports-mgmt/packagekit
  495. print/cups-pk-helper
  496. print/ft2demos
  497. print/harfbuzz
  498. print/harfbuzz-cairo
  499. print/harfbuzz-icu
  500. print/libraqm
  501. print/paps
  502. print/xreader
  503. science/gcp
  504. science/wwplot
  505. security/authenticator
  506. security/gcr
  507. security/gpg-gui
  508. security/gstreamer1-plugins-dtls
  509. security/libsecret
  510. security/p11-kit
  511. security/pam_howdy
  512. security/seahorse
  513. security/tang
  514. sysutils/accountsservice
  515. sysutils/budgie-control-center
  516. sysutils/cinnamon-control-center
  517. sysutils/cinnamon-settings-daemon
  518. sysutils/contractor
  519. sysutils/evisum
  520. sysutils/flashrom
  521. sysutils/fsearch
  522. sysutils/fusefs-libs3
  523. sysutils/fusefs-sshfs
  524. sysutils/gnome-control-center
  525. sysutils/gnome-power-manager
  526. sysutils/gnome-settings-daemon
  527. sysutils/gnome-system-monitor
  528. sysutils/gstreamer1-plugins-cdio
  529. sysutils/libdisplay-info
  530. sysutils/osinfo-db-tools
  531. sysutils/pacman
  532. sysutils/plocate
  533. sysutils/polkit
  534. sysutils/poweralertd
  535. sysutils/seatd
  536. sysutils/tracker
  537. sysutils/tracker-miners
  538. sysutils/tracker3
  539. sysutils/upower
  540. sysutils/waynergy
  541. sysutils/xnvme
  542. textproc/gstreamer1-plugins-zxing
  543. textproc/gtk-doc
  544. textproc/libgepub
  545. textproc/libxml++
  546. textproc/libxml++30
  547. textproc/libxmlb
  548. textproc/meld
  549. textproc/py-dialect
  550. textproc/tinyxml2
  551. textproc/yelp-tools
  552. www/elinks
  553. www/eolie
  554. www/epiphany
  555. www/gstreamer1-plugins-neon
  556. www/gstreamer1-plugins-srt
  557. www/kiwix-tools
  558. www/libwpe
  559. www/wpebackend-fdo
  560. x11/appmenu-registrar
  561. x11/arcan-trayicon
  562. x11/babl
  563. x11/brisk-menu
  564. x11/budgie-desktop
  565. x11/budgie-screensaver
  566. x11/chayang
  567. x11/cinnamon
  568. x11/cinnamon-desktop
  569. x11/cinnamon-menus
  570. x11/cinnamon-screensaver
  571. x11/cinnamon-session
  572. x11/damask
  573. x11/elementary-terminal
  574. x11/fnott
  575. x11/foot
  576. x11/fuzzel
  577. x11/gdm
  578. x11/gnome-console
  579. x11/gnome-desktop
  580. x11/gnome-session
  581. x11/gnome-shell
  582. x11/gnome-shell-extensions
  583. x11/gnome-terminal
  584. x11/grim
  585. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-x
  586. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-ximagesrc
  587. x11/gtk-app-menu
  588. x11/gtklock
  589. x11/kanshi
  590. x11/lavalauncher
  591. x11/libei
  592. x11/libinput
  593. x11/libwacom
  594. x11/libxcvt
  595. x11/libxkbcommon
  596. x11/mako
  597. x11/mate-applet-appmenu
  598. x11/nwg-launchers
  599. x11/py-caffeine-ng
  600. x11/remontoire
  601. x11/rofi
  602. x11/rofi-wayland
  603. x11/sfwbar
  604. x11/shaderbg
  605. x11/showmethekey
  606. x11/slurp
  607. x11/somebar
  608. x11/squeekboard
  609. x11/sway-audio-idle-inhibit
  610. x11/swaybg
  611. x11/swayfloatingswitcher
  612. x11/swayidle
  613. x11/swayimg
  614. x11/swaylock
  615. x11/swaylock-effects
  616. x11/swaylock-plugin
  617. x11/swaync
  618. x11/swaysettings
  619. x11/sxmo-wayout
  620. x11/taiga
  621. x11/terminology
  622. x11/tilix
  623. x11/tofi
  624. x11/virglrenderer
  625. x11/virtboard
  626. x11/wapanel
  627. x11/waybar
  628. x11/wayland-logout
  629. x11/wcm
  630. x11/wdisplays
  631. x11/wf-shell
  632. x11/wl-clipboard
  633. x11/wl-kbptr
  634. x11/wlogout
  635. x11/wlr-randr
  636. x11/wlrctl
  637. x11/wmenu
  638. x11/wob
  639. x11/wofi
  640. x11/wscreensaver
  641. x11/wshowkeys
  642. x11/wtype
  643. x11/xapp
  644. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
  645. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
  646. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-luminous
  647. x11/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
  648. x11/xfce4-appmenu-plugin
  649. x11/xkeyboard-config
  650. x11/xwayland-run
  651. x11/zenity
  652. x11-clocks/wlclock
  653. x11-fm/nautilus
  654. x11-fm/nemo
  655. x11-fm/sushi
  656. x11-fonts/cantarell-fonts
  657. x11-fonts/fcft
  658. x11-fonts/font-manager
  659. x11-fonts/fontconfig
  660. x11-fonts/ots
  661. x11-servers/xarcan
  662. x11-servers/xorg-server
  663. x11-servers/xwayland
  664. x11-servers/xwayland-devel
  665. x11-themes/budgie-backgrounds
  666. x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds
  667. x11-themes/gnome-icons-elementary
  668. x11-themes/greybird-theme
  669. x11-themes/gtk-arc-themes
  670. x11-themes/materia-gtk-theme
  671. x11-themes/pop-gtk-themes
  672. x11-themes/pop-icon-theme
  673. x11-themes/yaru-gtk-themes
  674. x11-themes/yaru-icon-theme
  675. x11-themes/zuki-themes
  676. x11-toolkits/amtk
  677. x11-toolkits/girara
  678. x11-toolkits/granite
  679. x11-toolkits/granite7
  680. x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-gtk
  681. x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-pango
  682. x11-toolkits/gtk-layer-shell
  683. x11-toolkits/gtk-session-lock
  684. x11-toolkits/gtk30
  685. x11-toolkits/gtk4-layer-shell
  686. x11-toolkits/gtk40
  687. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview4
  688. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview5
  689. x11-toolkits/libadwaita
  690. x11-toolkits/libdazzle
  691. x11-toolkits/libdecor
  692. x11-toolkits/libhandy
  693. x11-toolkits/libhandy0
  694. x11-toolkits/libshumate
  695. x11-toolkits/libwnck3
  696. x11-toolkits/pango
  697. x11-toolkits/scenefx
  698. x11-toolkits/tepl6
  699. x11-toolkits/vte3
  700. x11-toolkits/wlroots
  701. x11-toolkits/wlroots-devel
  702. x11-toolkits/wlroots015
  703. x11-toolkits/wlroots016
  704. x11-toolkits/ztoolkit
  705. x11-wm/cage
  706. x11-wm/cagebreak
  707. x11-wm/chamfer
  708. x11-wm/enlightenment
  709. x11-wm/gamescope
  710. x11-wm/hyprland
  711. x11-wm/i3
  712. x11-wm/labwc
  713. x11-wm/magpie
  714. x11-wm/muffin
  715. x11-wm/mutter
  716. x11-wm/phoc
  717. x11-wm/picom
  718. x11-wm/sway
  719. x11-wm/sway-devel
  720. x11-wm/swayfx
  721. x11-wm/wayfire
  722. x11-wm/wayfire-plugins-extra
  723. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 47 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/at-spi2-atk*
  2. accessibility/atk*
  3. audio/gradio*
  4. audio/mousai-devel*
  5. audio/pulseeffects*
  6. biology/pbcopper*
  7. biology/unanimity*
  8. deskutils/budgie-trash-applet*
  9. deskutils/gnome-documents*
  10. deskutils/lookbook*
  11. devel/appstream-qt5*
  12. devel/glibmm268*
  13. devel/kiwix-lib*
  14. games/gnome-taquin*
  15. games/iagno*
  16. graphics/cairomm16*
  17. graphics/libxatracker*
  18. graphics/wayland-info*
  19. math/pantheon-calculator*
  20. misc/urbit*
  21. multimedia/celluloid-devel*
  22. multimedia/gnome-twitch*
  23. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-kate*
  24. multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-rtmp*
  25. multimedia/gstreamer1-transcoder*
  26. multimedia/libva-glx*
  27. net/dpdk-22.11*
  28. net/gupnp-igd12*
  29. net/gupnp14*
  30. net-im/cawbird*
  31. net-p2p/tooth*
  32. net-p2p/tootle*
  33. print/harfbuzz-hb-view*
  34. shells/ksh2020*
  35. sysutils/basu*
  36. x11/dmenu-wayland*
  37. x11/i3status*
  38. x11/phosh*
  39. x11/swappy*
  40. x11/xapps*
  41. x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-gtk4*
  42. x11-toolkits/libshumate-shortwave*
  43. x11-toolkits/tepl*
  44. x11-wm/cage-devel*
  45. x11-wm/compton-yshui*
  46. x11-wm/hyprland-devel*
  47. x11-wm/i3-gaps*
  48. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. devel/meson-python

Configuration Options:
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Options name:
ninja:run python shebangfix
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Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q2 for this port