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Port details on branch 2022Q2
ocp Legendary Open Cubic Player
0.2.109_1,1 audio on this many watch lists=3 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.2.107,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2005-04-24 14:14:11
Last Update: 2024-04-20 14:25:34
Commit Hash: 2c15a70
People watching this port, also watch:: mplayer, nmap, windowmaker, sudo, xorg-server
License: GPLv2+
Open Cubic Player first appeared around December 1994 as a DOS binary-only module player. It supported many sound cards and module formats. At some point, the source code was released to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License, and around 2003 Stian Skjelstad ported the code to Linux. In addition to legacy tracker formats such as mod, xm and s3m, Open Cubic Player now also supports mp3, ogg and ay files and can be compiled with libadplug support.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (127 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/ocp-0.2.109_1,1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/ocp-0.2.109_1,1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/ocp-0.2.109_1,1/GPLv2+
  4. bin/ocp
  5. bin/ocp-curses
  6. lib/ocp/autoload/
  7. lib/ocp/autoload/
  8. lib/ocp/autoload/
  9. lib/ocp/autoload/
  10. lib/ocp/autoload/
  11. lib/ocp/autoload/
  12. lib/ocp/autoload/
  13. lib/ocp/autoload/
  14. lib/ocp/autoload/
  15. lib/ocp/autoload/
  16. lib/ocp/autoload/
  17. lib/ocp/autoload/
  18. lib/ocp/autoload/
  19. lib/ocp/autoload/
  20. lib/ocp/autoload/
  21. lib/ocp/autoload/
  22. lib/ocp/autoload/
  23. lib/ocp/autoload/
  24. lib/ocp/autoload/
  25. lib/ocp/
  26. share/man/man1/ocp.1.gz
  27. share/mime/audio/x-a2m.xml
  28. share/mime/audio/x-adl.xml
  29. share/mime/audio/x-adlib-midi.xml
  30. share/mime/audio/x-adtrack.xml
  31. share/mime/audio/x-amd.xml
  32. share/mime/audio/x-ams.xml
  33. share/mime/audio/x-as3m.xml
  34. share/mime/audio/x-ay.xml
  35. share/mime/audio/x-bam.xml
  36. share/mime/audio/x-bmf.xml
  37. share/mime/audio/x-cff.xml
  38. share/mime/audio/x-cmf.xml
  39. share/mime/audio/x-coktel.xml
  40. share/mime/audio/x-d00.xml
  41. share/mime/audio/x-dfm.xml
  42. share/mime/audio/x-dmf.xml
  43. share/mime/audio/x-dmo.xml
  44. share/mime/audio/x-dro.xml
  45. share/mime/audio/x-dtm.xml
  46. share/mime/audio/x-fmc.xml
  47. share/mime/audio/x-gbs.xml
  48. share/mime/audio/x-got.xml
  49. share/mime/audio/x-gym.xml
  50. share/mime/audio/x-herad.xml
  51. share/mime/audio/x-hes.xml
  52. share/mime/audio/x-hsc.xml
  53. share/mime/audio/x-hsp.xml
  54. share/mime/audio/x-hvl.xml
  55. share/mime/audio/x-imf.xml
  56. share/mime/audio/x-jbm.xml
  57. share/mime/audio/x-ksm.xml
  58. share/mime/audio/x-kss.xml
  59. share/mime/audio/x-lds.xml
  60. share/mime/audio/x-mad.xml
  61. share/mime/audio/x-mdl.xml
  62. share/mime/audio/x-mkj.xml
  63. share/mime/audio/x-msc.xml
  64. share/mime/audio/x-mtk.xml
  65. share/mime/audio/x-mtr.xml
  66. share/mime/audio/x-mus.xml
  67. share/mime/audio/x-nsf.xml
  68. share/mime/audio/x-nsfe.xml
  69. share/mime/audio/x-pis.xml
  70. share/mime/audio/x-ptm.xml
  71. share/mime/audio/x-rac.xml
  72. share/mime/audio/x-rad.xml
  73. share/mime/audio/x-rix.xml
  74. share/mime/audio/x-rol.xml
  75. share/mime/audio/x-sa2.xml
  76. share/mime/audio/x-sap.xml
  77. share/mime/audio/x-sop.xml
  78. share/mime/audio/x-spc.xml
  79. share/mime/audio/x-u6m.xml
  80. share/mime/audio/x-vgm.xml
  81. share/mime/audio/x-vgz.xml
  82. share/mime/audio/x-xad-bmf.xml
  83. share/mime/audio/x-xad-flash.xml
  84. share/mime/audio/x-xad-hybrid.xml
  85. share/mime/audio/x-xad-hyp.xml
  86. share/mime/audio/x-xad-psi.xml
  87. share/mime/audio/x-xad-rat.xml
  88. share/mime/audio/x-xsm.xml
  89. share/mime/audio/x-ym.xml
  90. share/mime/packages/opencubicplayer.xml
  91. share/ocp/data/adplug.db
  92. lib/ocp/autoload/
  93. share/ocp/data/ocp.hlp
  94. share/ocp/etc/ocp.ini
  95. share/applications/
  96. lib/ocp/autoload/
  97. lib/ocp/autoload/
  98. lib/ocp/autoload/
  99. share/doc/ocp/AUTHORS
  100. share/doc/ocp/BUGS
  101. share/doc/ocp/COPYING
  102. share/doc/ocp/CREDITS
  103. share/doc/ocp/KEYBOARD_REMAPS
  104. share/doc/ocp/SUID
  105. share/doc/ocp/html/configuration.html
  106. share/doc/ocp/html/faq.html
  107. share/doc/ocp/html/fileselector.html
  108. share/doc/ocp/html/index.html
  109. share/doc/ocp/html/player.html
  110. share/doc/ocp/html/specialdrive.html
  111. share/doc/ocp/html/starting.html
  112. share/doc/ocp/html/support.html
  113. share/doc/ocp/html/wap.html
  114. bin/ocp-sdl2
  115. lib/ocp/autoload/
  116. bin/ocp-x11
  117. share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  118. share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  119. share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  120. share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  121. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  122. share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  123. share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/opencubicplayer.png
  124. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/opencubicplayer.svg
  125. @owner
  126. @group
  127. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • ocp>0:audio/ocp
  • alliance
Conflicts Matches:
There are no Conflicts Matches for this port. This is usually an error.
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/audio/ocp/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install audio/ocp
  • pkg install ocp
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: amd64 i386 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64le
TIMESTAMP = 1712310414 SHA256 (ocp-0.2.109.tar.xz) = aa043503bd1dfd1433fabe0d5f4bb85bcadc3bae8cc19630a77c89182bce8d90 SIZE (ocp-0.2.109.tar.xz) = 3997340

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. xa65 : devel/xa65
  2. unifont.otf : x11-fonts/gnu-unifont-otf
  3. unifont.otf : x11-fonts/gnu-unifont-otf
  4. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  5. makeinfo : print/texinfo
  6. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  7. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  8. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  9. sdl2-config : devel/sdl20
  10. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  11. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  12. xpm.pc : x11/libXpm
  13. xxf86dga.pc : x11/libXxf86dga
  14. xxf86vm.pc : x11/libXxf86vm
Runtime dependencies:
  1. eawpats>0 : audio/eawpats
  2. unifont.otf : x11-fonts/gnu-unifont-otf
  3. unifont.otf : x11-fonts/gnu-unifont-otf
  4. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  5. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  6. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  7. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  8. xpm.pc : x11/libXpm
  9. xxf86dga.pc : x11/libXxf86dga
  10. xxf86vm.pc : x11/libXxf86vm
  11. indexinfo : print/indexinfo
Library dependencies:
  1. : archivers/ancient
  2. : devel/libcjson
  3. : audio/libdiscid
  4. : audio/libid3tag
  5. : audio/libmad
  6. : audio/libogg
  7. : graphics/png
  8. : audio/libvorbis
  9. : audio/libadplug
  10. : devel/libbinio
  11. : audio/alsa-lib
  12. : audio/flac
  13. : audio/libgme
  14. : print/freetype2
  15. : print/freetype2
  16. : graphics/jpeg-turbo
  17. : devel/sdl20
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for ocp-0.2.109_1,1: ADPLUG=on: adplug support ALSA=on: ALSA audio architecture support DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation FLAC=on: FLAC lossless audio codec support GME=on: libgme support for additional video game music support MIDI=on: timidity support OSS=on: Open Sound System support SDL=on: Simple Direct Media Layer support X11=on: X11 (graphics) support ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 dos2unix gmake gnome iconv jpeg localbase:ldflags makeinfo ncurses pkgconfig shared-mime-info tar:xz desktop-file-utils sdl desktop-file-utils xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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There are no commits on branch 2022Q2 for this port