FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-02 10:37:19 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
cd97c7ca-f079-11ea-9c31-001b216d295bMulti-link PPP protocol daemon MPD5 remotely exploitable crash

Version 5.9 contains security fix for L2TP clients and servers. Insufficient validation of incoming L2TP control packet specially crafted by unauthenticated user might lead to unexpected termination of the process. The problem affects mpd versions since 4.0 that brought in initial support for L2TP. Installations not using L2TP clients nor L2TP server configuration were not affected.

Discovery 2020-09-04
Entry 2020-09-06
Modified 2020-09-07
< 5.9

3749ae9e-f132-11ea-97da-d05099c0ae8cMPD -- multiple vulnerabilities

Chen Nan of Chaitin Security Research Lab reports:

Fix buffer overflow introduced in version 5.8: processing of template %aX in a RADIUS authentication response might lead to unexpected termination of the mpd5 process. Installations not using RADIUS or not using %aX templates in RADIUS attributes were not affected.

Fix buffer overflow in parsing of L2TP control packets introduced in version 4.0 that initially brought in L2TP support: a specially crafted incoming L2TP control packet might lead to unexpected termination of the process. Installations with neither L2TP clients nor L2TP server configured are not affected.

Discovery 2020-09-06
Entry 2020-09-07
< 5.9

f55921aa-10c9-11ec-8647-00e0670f2660MPD5 PPPoE Server remotely exploitable crash

Version 5.9_2 contains security fix for PPPoE servers. Insufficient validation of incoming PPPoE Discovery request specially crafted by unauthenticated user might lead to unexpected termination of the process. The problem affects mpd versions since 5.0. Installations not using PPPoE server configuration were not affected.

Discovery 2021-09-04
Entry 2021-09-09
ge 5.0 lt 5.9_2