FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-05 11:37:15 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
ad4d3871-1a0d-11e5-b43d-002590263bf5logstash-forwarder and logstash -- susceptibility to POODLE vulnerability

Elastic reports:

The combination of Logstash Forwarder and Lumberjack input (and output) was vulnerable to the POODLE attack in SSLv3 protocol. We have disabled SSLv3 for this combination and set the minimum version to be TLSv1.0. We have added this vulnerability to our CVE page and are working on filling out the CVE.

Thanks to Tray Torrance, Marc Chadwick, and David Arena for reporting this.

SSLv3 is no longer supported; TLS 1.0+ is required (compatible with Logstash 1.4.2+).

Discovery 2015-06-09
Entry 2015-06-24
Modified 2015-06-24

< 1.4.3

43ac9d42-1b9a-11e5-b43d-002590263bf5elasticsearch and logstash -- remote OS command execution via dynamic scripting

Elastic reports:

Vulnerability Summary: In Elasticsearch versions 1.1.x and prior, dynamic scripting is enabled by default. This could allow an attacker to execute OS commands.

Remediation Summary: Disable dynamic scripting.

Logstash 1.4.2 was bundled with Elasticsearch 1.1.1, which is vulnerable to CVE-2014-3120. These binaries are used in Elasticsearch output specifically when using the node protocol. Since a node client joins the Elasticsearch cluster, the attackers could use scripts to execute commands on the host OS using the node client's URL endpoint. With 1.4.3 release, we are packaging Logstash with Elasticsearch 1.5.2 binaries which by default disables the ability to run scripts. This also affects users who are using the configuration option embedded=>true in the Elasticsearch output which starts a local embedded Elasticsearch cluster. This is typically used in development environment and proof of concept deployments. Regardless of this vulnerability, we strongly recommend not using embedded in production.

Note that users of transport and http protocol are not vulnerable to this attack.

Discovery 2014-05-22
Entry 2015-06-26
< 1.2.0

< 1.4.3

24bde04f-1a10-11e5-b43d-002590263bf5logstash -- Directory traversal vulnerability in the file output plugin

Elastic reports:

An attacker could use the File output plugin with dynamic field references in the path option to traverse paths outside of Logstash directory. This technique could also be used to overwrite any files which can be accessed with permissions associated with Logstash user. This release sandboxes the paths which can be traversed using the configuration. We have also disallowed use of dynamic field references if the path options is pointing to an absolute path.

We have added this vulnerability to our CVE page and are working on filling out the CVE. We would like to thank Colin Coghill for reporting the issue and working with us on the resolution.

Discovery 2015-06-09
Entry 2015-06-24
< 1.4.3

c470bcc7-33fe-11e5-a4a5-002590263bf5logstash -- SSL/TLS vulnerability with Lumberjack input

Elastic reports:

Vulnerability Summary: All Logstash versions prior to 1.5.2 that use Lumberjack input (in combination with Logstash Forwarder agent) are vulnerable to a SSL/TLS security issue called the FREAK attack. This allows an attacker to intercept communication and access secure data. Users should upgrade to 1.5.3 or 1.4.4.

Remediation Summary: Users that do not want to upgrade can address the vulnerability by disabling the Lumberjack input.

Discovery 2015-07-22
Entry 2015-07-27
< 1.4.4

ge 1.5.0 lt 1.5.3
