FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-13 18:00:50 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
8b571fb2-f311-11eb-b12b-fc4dd43e2b6atomcat -- JNDI Realm Authentication Weakness in multiple versions

ilja.farber reports:

Queries made by the JNDI Realm did not always correctly escape parameters. Parameter values could be sourced from user provided data (eg user names) as well as configuration data provided by an administrator. In limited circumstances it was possible for users to authenticate using variations of their user name and/or to bypass some of the protection provided by the LockOut Realm.

Discovery 2021-04-08
Entry 2021-08-01
ge 7.0.0 le 7.0.108

ge 8.5.0 le 8.5.65

ge 9.0.0 le 9.0.45

ge 10.0.0 le 10.0.5

d34bef0b-f312-11eb-b12b-fc4dd43e2b6atomcat -- HTTP request smuggling in multiple versions

Bahruz Jabiyev, Steven Sprecher and Kaan Onarlioglu of NEU seclab reports:

Apache Tomcat did not correctly parse the HTTP transfer-encoding request header in some circumstances leading to the possibility to request smuggling when used with a reverse proxy. Specifically: Tomcat incorrectly ignored the transfer-encoding header if the client declared it would only accept an HTTP/1.0 response; Tomcat honoured the identify encoding; and Tomcat did not ensure that, if present, the chunked encoding was the final encoding.

Discovery 2021-05-07
Entry 2021-08-01
ge 8.5.0 le 8.5.66

ge 9.0.0 le 9.0.46

ge 10.0.0 le 10.0.6
