FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-14 07:55:01 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
5df757ef-a564-11ec-85fa-a0369f7f7be0wordpress -- multiple issues

wordpress developers reports:

This security and maintenance release features 1 bug fix in addition to 3 security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All versions since WordPress 3.7 have also been updated. The security team would like to thank the following people for responsively reporting vulnerabilities, allowing them to be fixed in this release: -Melar Dev, for finding a Prototype Pollution Vulnerability in a jQuery dependency -Ben Bidner of the WordPress security team, for finding a Stored Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability -Researchers from Johns Hopkins University, for finding a Prototype Pollution Vulnerability in the block editor

Discovery 2022-03-11
Entry 2022-03-16
< 5.9.2,1

< 5.9.2
11325357-1d3c-11eb-ab74-4c72b94353b5wordpress -- multiple issues

wordpress developers reports:

Ten security issues affect WordPress versions 5.5.1 and earlier. If you havent yet updated to 5.5, all WordPress versions since 3.7 have also been updated to fix the following security issues: -Props to Alex Concha of the WordPress Security Team for their work in hardening deserialization requests. -Props to David Binovec on a fix to disable spam embeds from disabled sites on a multisite network. -Thanks to Marc Montas from Sucuri for reporting an issue that could lead to XSS from global variables. -Thanks to Justin Tran who reported an issue surrounding privilege escalation in XML-RPC. He also found and disclosed an issue around privilege escalation around post commenting via XML-RPC. -Props to Omar Ganiev who reported a method where a DoS attack could lead to RCE. -Thanks to Karim El Ouerghemmi from RIPS who disclosed a method to store XSS in post slugs. -Thanks to Slavco for reporting, and confirmation from Karim El Ouerghemmi, a method to bypass protected meta that could lead to arbitrary file deletion.

Discovery 2020-10-29
Entry 2020-11-02
< 5.5.2,1

< 5.5.2