FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-14 07:55:01 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
58528a94-5100-4208-a04d-edc01598cf01strongswan - denial-of-service vulnerability in the gmp plugin/denial-of-service vulnerability in the in-memory certificate cache

Strongswan Release Notes reports:

Fixed a denial-of-service vulnerability in the gmp plugin that was caused by an integer overflow when processing RSASSA-PSS signatures with very large salt lengths. This vulnerability has been registered as CVE-2021-41990.

Fixed a denial-of-service vulnerability in the in-memory certificate cache if certificates are replaced and a very large random value caused an integer overflow. This vulnerability has been registered as CVE-2021-41991.

Discovery 2021-10-04
Entry 2022-01-25
< 5.9.4

ccaea96b-7dcd-11ec-93df-00224d821998strongswan - Incorrect Handling of Early EAP-Success Messages

Strongswan Release Notes reports:

Fixed a vulnerability in the EAP client implementation that was caused by incorrectly handling early EAP-Success messages. It may allow to bypass the client and in some scenarios even the server authentication, or could lead to a denial-of-service attack. This vulnerability has been registered as CVE-2021-45079.

Discovery 2021-12-16
Entry 2022-01-25
< 5.9.5

7fc3e827-64a5-11e8-aedb-00224d821998strongswan -- Fix Denial-of-Service Vulnerability strongSwan (CVE-2018-10811, CVE-2018-5388)

strongSwan security team reports:

  • A denial-of-service vulnerability in the IKEv2 key derivation was fixed if the openssl plugin is used in FIPS mode and HMAC-MD5 is negotiated as PRF (which is not FIPS-compliant). So this should only affect very specific setups, but in such configurations all strongSwan versions since 5.0.1 may be affected.
  • A denial-of-service vulnerability in the stroke plugin was fixed. When reading a message from the socket the plugin did not check the received length. Unless a group is configured, root privileges are required to access that socket, so in the default configuration this shouldn't be an issue, but all strongSwan versions may be affected.

Discovery 2018-05-16
Entry 2018-05-31
< 5.6.3
e6ccaf8a-6c63-11e7-9b01-2047478f2f70strongswan -- multiple vulnerabilities

strongSwan security team reports:

  • RSA public keys passed to the gmp plugin aren't validated sufficiently before attempting signature verification, so that invalid input might lead to a floating point exception. [CVE-2017-9022]
  • ASN.1 CHOICE types are not correctly handled by the ASN.1 parser when parsing X.509 certificates with extensions that use such types. This could lead to infinite looping of the thread parsing a specifically crafted certificate.

Discovery 2017-05-30
Entry 2017-07-19
ge 4.4.0 le 5.5.2