FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-02 10:37:19 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
2a1b931f-2b86-11ec-8acd-c80aa9043978OpenSSH -- OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.7 failed to correctly initialise supplemental groups when executing an AuthorizedKeysCommand or AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand

OpenBSD Project reports:

sshd(8) from OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.7 failed to correctly initialise supplemental groups when executing an AuthorizedKeysCommand or AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand, where a AuthorizedKeysCommandUser or AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser directive has been set to run the command as a different user. Instead these commands would inherit the groups that sshd(8) was started with.

Depending on system configuration, inherited groups may allow AuthorizedKeysCommand/AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand helper programs to gain unintended privilege.

Neither AuthorizedKeysCommand nor AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand are enabled by default in sshd_config(5).

Discovery 2021-09-26
Entry 2021-10-12
ge 6.2.p1,1 lt 8.7.p1_2,1

887eb570-27d3-11ee-adba-c80aa9043978OpenSSH -- remote code execution via a forwarded agent socket

OpenSSH project reports:

Fix CVE-2023-38408 - a condition where specific libaries loaded via ssh-agent(1)'s PKCS#11 support could be abused to achieve remote code execution via a forwarded agent socket if the following conditions are met: * Exploitation requires the presence of specific libraries on the victim system. * Remote exploitation requires that the agent was forwarded to an attacker-controlled system. Exploitation can also be prevented by starting ssh-agent(1) with an empty PKCS#11/FIDO allowlist (ssh-agent -P '') or by configuring an allowlist that contains only specific provider libraries. This vulnerability was discovered and demonstrated to be exploitable by the Qualys Security Advisory team.

Discovery 2023-07-19
Entry 2023-07-21
< 9.3.p2,1
