FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-01 20:12:40 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
1225549f-ca91-11e2-b3b8-f0def16c5c1bpassenger -- security vulnerability

The Phusion reports:

A denial of service and arbitrary code execution by hijacking temp files. [CVE-2013-2119]

Discovery 2013-05-29
Entry 2013-06-01
< 4.0.5

84fdd1bb-9d37-11e5-8f5c-002590263bf5passenger -- client controlled header overwriting

Daniel Knoppel reports:

It was discovered by the SUSE security team that it was possible, in some cases, for clients to overwrite headers set by the server, resulting in a medium level security issue. CVE-2015-7519 has been assigned to this issue.

Affected use-cases:

Header overwriting may occur if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Apache integration mode, or standalone+builtin engine without a filtering proxy
  • Ruby or Python applications only (Passenger 5); or any application (Passenger 4)
  • The app depends on a request header containing a dash (-)
  • The header is supposed to be trusted (set by the server)
  • The client correctly guesses the header name

This vulnerability has been fixed by filtering out client headers that do not consist of alphanumeric/dash characters (Nginx already did this, so Passenger+Nginx was not affected). If your application depends on headers that don't conform to this, you can add a workaround in Apache specifically for those to convert them to a dash-based format.

Discovery 2015-12-07
Entry 2015-12-07
ge 5.0.0 lt 5.0.22

< 4.0.60

8cf25a29-e063-11e7-9b2c-001e672571bcrubygem-passenger -- arbitrary file read vulnerability

Phusion reports:

The cPanel Security Team discovered a vulnerability in Passenger that allows users to list the contents of arbitrary files on the system. CVE-2017-16355 has been assigned to this issue.

Discovery 2017-10-13
Entry 2017-12-18
ge 5.0.10 lt 5.1.11